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Eyelet Curtain pattern is currently the most preffered choice by the customer due to its various Design, Styling, Flexibility it gives than other pattern.

To have Eyelet curtains in room, we need to leave some space left above the Curtain rod so as to accomodate this pattern. There are different colour of Ring we can choose from as per the Curtain Colour or Design. 

While washing Curtains in washing machine, local ring get damage very soon as compare to good one, We use washable Ring which doesn't damage while washing also.

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In Pleated Curtains, pleats are created at the top of Curtains to have Curtain fall and gives proper look to the Curtain. Fabrics require in making this is same as Eyelet Curtain to get good curtains fall.


Pleats interval can be made large from the standard size but that will not give proper look to the Curtains. It includes small rings at the top of curtain & there is no other material required in the making of it.


Pleats stitching can be done by manual way or by using machine and it depends which gives proper fall and look, expert curtains tailor can create pleat using machine.

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